Friday, September 16, 2011

Brodie Dick's CDH Story

I don't know if anything pulls at your heartstrings more than your own child. Once I became a mother, those words rang true time and time again. I remember the first night Sammy was home from the hospital, we washed him off for his first bath and when he cried, I cried. He was so new, so fresh, so fragile. He was mine. He was ours. He was forever my precious boy.

For weeks, I've been following Brodie Dick's CDH Story. Baby Brodie has been in the hospital from the moment he was born. He suffers from CDH, which is Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. I know Brodie's parents through Neil, who works with Brodie's mother. She is such a sweet woman, and she has a very nice husband and cute little boy, Bradie. Brodie is the latest addition to their beautiful family. When I first met her as Neil's coworker, I instantly enjoyed being around her. I was pregnant with Samuel at the time and I enjoyed talking with her about everything motherhood. I sincerely feel for this family and my heart goes out to them.

As a mother, I am heartbroken as to what these parents are going through. I check on Baby Brodie daily by reading their updated blog. I encourage everyone to visit their blog and to keep this baby and family high on your prayer list. They recently added wristbands for purchase on their website along with a donation button. They are trying to raise money for CDH research so one day they may know the cause of what sickens their beautiful baby boy. I am excited to get in my wristband so I can wear it proudly to support Baby Brodie. Please support this family and this beautiful baby boy. If nothing else, keep them in your prayers.

They are on an emotional roller coaster with all of the ups and downs and twists and turns that Baby Brodie takes daily. I only wish there was more we could for families and children such as this. This beautiful family and baby boy need your prayers. Please keep them on your mind and in your heart.

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