A while back, my friend Anna had her second child and told me she was going to do cloth diapers. Honestly, I thought she was crazy. (Sorry, Anna! I'm just being honest.) I thought cloth diapers were something only our parents used. Well, needless to say I was wrong. When she talked to me about it and all of the options out there these days, I was starting to change my mind. Could I really do this with my little one?
I started doing a little research on cloth diapers and soon came across gDiapers. I didn't know they made cloth diapers so easy these days. And to think that I thought doing cloth diapers meant I'd be folding up cloth and pinning them with safety pins. That is completely not the case. These awesome gDiapers look and function just as a disposable diaper with the Velcro fastening and cute colored covers. And, because I wanted to use cloth to save money, you can use the cloth inserts instead of the disposable inserts. I talked with Mr. Spouse about it, and I think he was happy to see that I'm finally seriously jumping on his saving money bandwagon. It took me a little longer to get there. But, I'm finally here! Hey, that's what counts, right?
To start off, I ordered a pack of 6 gDiapers and 18 cloth inserts. I'm going to have to learn the routines and ways of making this process go swiftly and quickly. I'm sure I'll learn along the way. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous. But, I'm also kind of excited. I'm a stay at home mom, so I finally thought, why am I not doing cloth diapers? I'm home all day. I don't need the convenience of a disposable diaper. And, soon after that decided to begin to make our own baby food. Hey, maybe at the end of all of this I'll be able to expose my Super Mom emblem underneath my shirt. But, we'll cross that bridge if we ever get there.
I ordered my gDiapers and liners from Diapers.com where you can get free shipping and $10 off your order for first time customers. So, that was a plus. I was going to try the flush-able gCloth liners that line the cloth diapers to make #2 an easier cleanup. But, Diapers.com apparently had them unavailable in my area. So, you can get them on Amazon. They aren't free shipping there, so that deterred me. But, I would still like to try them to see if it makes #2's a little easier to cleanup.
My gDiapers order should be here in a couple days so I need to go out to get a small trash can with a lid to use for my cloth diaper laundry. I need to set up a routine to conquer this cloth diaper venture. For those of you that use gDiapers or any cloth diapers, let me know how they work for you. I'd love any tips for this new journey into the land of saving money. I'll keep you posted as to how it goes when I start. Hopefully I won't want to burn any cloth diaper in sight because it goes terribly wrong. But, I'm optimistic and think things will be just fine. This is just one of those money savers I should be doing since I'm a stay at home mom. Wish me luck!
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