I thought it was very clever how I told Mr. Spouse I was pregnant! When we found out we were expecting Sam, I took the pregnancy test and we looked at it together. I asked him a while back with another kiddo, would he want to be there again or would he want to be surprised. He said either way. So, I wanted to surprise him this time! I took a pregnancy test weeks ago and it was negative. I told him about that test, so I figured he knew I would be taking another one because it was probably too early to detect a pregnancy. I was anxious! I had a feeling I was pregnant, just like I did with Sammy. So, one morning I woke up to take the test. A few minutes later, I went back to the test and saw the results...I was pregnant! That was the last pregnancy test I had, so I actually went to the store to get more just to be certain. I know the chances of a false positive pregnancy test are slim but I wanted to be certain I was pregnant before I told the hubby. I took another test and it confirmed that I was pregnant. Oh my goodness. This is happening! Again. I was anxious to tell him.
I didn't want to call him up at work just to say, "Oh hey, I'm pregnant." That's not very fun. So, I thought about how we'd always joke about a "bun in the oven". That's it! I'm going to literally have a bun in the oven when he comes home from work. I had some frozen dinner rolls in the freezer. So, I decided to cook one of them to have it nice and fluffy and have it in the oven when he got home. When he came home (which seemed like FOREVER!) I had the bun all ready in the oven. He came through the door with a big smile, which made me wonder why. I said, "I have a surprise for you!" (He later told me he had a feeling I was going to tell him I was pregnant.) When I said, "It's in the oven", he said it completely through him off and then thought I had made him cookies or something. He opened the oven, saw the roll, and said, "Oh, yay!" and grabbed it like he wanted to eat it. WHAT?! Ha. I said, "Neil, what is that?!" He said, ".....a roll?" I asked him what else it could be, shocked that he didn't get it right off the bat. He said, "...a biscuit?" I was floored. How is he not getting this? Again, I said, "What ELSE could it be?...it starts with a b?..." He said, "...a bisuit?" Again. Ha. This was not going as planned, and I couldn't help but last. I tried asking one last time and he said, "A bun? A bun. A bun!??" and he got a huge smile. He was so excited and he gave Sammy and I a huge hug. We were excited and all smiles! (I'm just happy he finally got it!)
We are excited about Baby #2 on the way and we hope everything goes well. Please pray for our new little bun in the oven and our growing family. We are excited about our family and are excited to meet the little guy or little girl in nine months. We're going to keep this one a surprise again, just like we did for Sammy, and just like we'll do with all of our little ones! It's such an exciting feeling not knowing the sex of the baby. It's like a big Christmas present at the end of a nine month wait. We're excited!
Our new little one at 7 weeks and is the size of a piece of rice! Amazing.