It's no surprise that I do NOT like bugs, crawlies, anything that spends there time scurrying around the corners of the house. Sammy and I visited my brother and sister at my parents house this weekend while they were out of town. My sister, Jessica, and I came into town for a bridal shower and we decided to make a weekend out of it! This was one of the first times I can remember that it was just us siblings; no parents, spouses, or fiances. I have to say, I had a great time!
The first night my brother, Michael, made some amazing hamburgers. I had just put Sammy down to bed before Jessica arrived at the house. We sat down to eat the burgers and they were so good. I hadn't had a burger in so long. They were fat, juicy patties loaded with avocado, cheese, and peppers. Definitely a splurge! Good job, Mike. After that, we played a game of Scrabble that seemed to go on forever! We were enthralled in telling stories and laughing our heads off over funny moments that we remembered. It was a fun time.
Saturday came and Jessica, Sammy and I made our way to the shower. I have a gorgeous family and I have so many pregnant cousins right now! All 3 of the ladies pregnant are sisters, so I think that's really neat. My family definitely has a way of popping out kids and never looking as if they were ever pregnant. So, I definitely have some work to do to fit in with them! Ha. It was so good seeing my family and cousins, especially my grandma. My grandma is a very special lady and we've always been very close. She's one person I definitely have a huge place for in my heart. It was such a special moment to be sitting with Sammy on my lap during the opening of the gifts and looking over and seeing her looking at Sammy, smiling. My grandma had 13 children and has nearly 40 grandchildren and I don't even know how much great grandchildren. I grew up in a big family. And, I wouldn't have it any other way.
After stopping by the mall and picking up wedding pictures, we rested out at the house a bit before heading to see Michael's house that he recently bought. He is getting married next year and this is the house he will living in until they are married. Then, his new wife will move in and put the woman's touch on the place! We went to church and Sammy did pretty good. He always does so good in church. I can't imagine why! We are in the house of the Lord. I felt so bad when I was holding Sam and I accidentally scratched him on the forehead with my diamond ring. He immediately started screaming and I took him to the back. I felt absolutely awful.
Next, we went to dinner at Tokyo Grill and I could not wait to have my California Roll I have been waiting for! We waited 45 minutes for the hibachi grill. Sam was asleep when we sat down. Right when the hibachi chef showed up to begin, Sammy started screaming and I had to take him out. When I got back after he calmed down, the chef was cleaning up the grill as they just finished the cooking. I waited 45 minutes to miss it all! Ha. Oh well. All part of being a mother! I still ate my delicious Rainbow Roll, which is a California Roll topped with different types of fish. Very good. And, who doesn't love their fried rice? Even brought some home for Neil. You're welcome, doll!
Ok, so here's where my encounter with the crawlie began. After getting home and bathing Sam, I fed him and put him down to bed. I had a t-shirt on the ground, where it had been all day, and I picked it up to change into to go to bed. I was texting a friend of mine while I was laying in bed on my tummy. I felt like a tiny, tiny bit of movement on my tummy and I just figured it was the way I was laying and my t-shirt being bunched up. A little while later, I was on my back texting and definitely felt something move on my tummy. Mind you, the lights are off and Sammy is sleeping at the foot of my bed in his Pack-N-Play.
When I felt this movement, I flipped out! I moved faster than I remember ever moving. I grabbed my shirt, felt something underneath my shirt, and immediately flung it out from under my shirt. In the dark, I saw something crawling on the bed and new it was something that had legs and was alive! I reached for the lamp, knocked over a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Please, forgive me) and turned on the light. There...crawling on the bed...was a bug about an inch long that resembled a thin roach. Agh! I didn't even give it a chance, I just flicked it straight across the room and couldn't find it after that. I spent the rest of the evening fearing something crawling on me. I guess as my shirt lay on the carpet all day, it snuck in there and got comfortable. My parents usual spray for bugs routinely but haven't in just a little while. I told her about this experience, and she said, "Ok, that's it, we need to spray!" Yes, Mom, please do. I'm just happy Sam was fast asleep while Mommy was flipping out over a little bug.
Being a stay-at-home mom is just one of the many aspects of my life. I'm a wife, master diaper changer, laugh-a-holic, and love all things bareMinerals. I'm Catholic, love God, and live every day feeling lucky to be alive and blessed with all that I have. Welcome to my life!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Living in a Moment
It's here! After much anticipation, our wedding video is finally finished. I picked it up this weekend and couldn't wait to sit down with Neil to watch it and relive one of the greatest days we've experienced so far. After a busy weekend visiting my family in my hometown, Sammy and I got back into town to have a birthday lunch for Neil's brother, Daryl. (Happy birthday, Woo!) We had a great time and it was good seeing his family.
When we got home, I put Sammy down for a nap on his Boppy next to us. I was so excited to watch the video that we started it the second he started drifting into Dream Land. We were given three DVD's. One that was a 30 minute highlight video that was all of the highlights from the wedding, start to finish. That is the one I was excited about the most! The other two DVD's were the whole ceremony and whole reception.We will watch these tomorrow, or another day when Neil is feeling better. He's getting sick, poor guy.
I put in the hightlights DVD and from the second the video started, all of these emotions and excited feelings that I experienced the day of the wedding all started rushing back! The day of our wedding, I was so anxious. Not the type of anxious, as if I was scared I was making the wrong decision. Anxious and excited to be getting married and experiencing one of God's greatest Sacraments, on top of marrying the one guy I couldn't live this life without. The video was absolutely amazing and brought back so many emotions. I cried more than I thought I would watching it! Watching the smiles and the anticipation and the love was breathtaking. Seeing parents and grandparents and family and friends was amazing. Neil and I watched with huge smiles on our faces! That day was so full of love and happiness. I look at me in my beautiful dress and my slim figure (that I now appreciate, after having a baby!) and see how everything all came together. The hair, the makeup, the dress and all. Everything from the flowers to the cake to the food and dancing turned out better than anyone could ask for. I felt like the most beautiful person in the world that day, and I am lucky to have a husband that tells me the same.
There were so many memorable parts of the video, and one that totally caught me off guard. Well, two! One was absolutely hilarious and will forever be a laugh. My best friend, Courtney, and I were talking before the ceremony and in the clip, she was standing in her dress and was apparently pretty hot. She was, in fact, 6 months pregnant and in a bridesmaids dress. I totally understand! So, next thing you know, she bends down just a bit near the fan and lifts up her underarm to the fan. It was hilarious! I called her immediately after the video and told her of this memorable moment that is forever etched in our wedding memories and we had a great laugh. She always has a way of making me laugh! Love that girl. It was just such a funny situation when you have this wedding video with beautiful music and all of these pretty clips and then you reach such a candid moment. That's what memories are all about! I loved it.
Another part of the video that really caught me off guard was a moment that Neil actually noticed. We had to rewind it for me to see and I was really surprised that it was captured! Our videographer spanned across us and down our hands and actually caught my finger drawing the words "I love you!" in Neil's hand. Neil and I have done this thing, for years, where we write in each other's palms. Whether at the movies, church, or anytime we feel like it. Neil and I were standing in front of the alter, side by side. As he panned down our bodies and near our hands, you can see me writing the exclamation point after "I love you" in his hand. I don't even remember doing that at that moment. But, am so glad something so small was captured.
There were so many parts of that 30 minute video that brought me to tears; Neil talking in the camera before the ceremony about how excited he was to marry me, marrying Neil in front of all of our family and friends, seeing my parents and family and dancing with my dad, and seeing my wonderful grandparents dancing to one of their favorite songs. The whole time I was watching it I couldn't help but look at my life and see all that has happened. I'm sitting on the couch, snuggled up to the best husband a person could ask for, watching our wedding video with our 4 month old baby boy sleeping like an angel. When we met 5 years ago, who would have ever thought that all of this would be our life.
I look at my life and can't help but be overwhelmed with all of the blessings. Neil coming into my life has been more blessings than I could have asked for. To have a husband that shares so many of the same values that I do has made our marriage and relationship what it is today. We've come such a long way in so many aspects of our lives, and over the past 5 years, we've grown into two people who genuinely enjoy and love each other. Our friendship has stemmed from years of trust, love and laughs, and we live every day doing what we believe is right in God's eyes. For those of you that know us, it's clear to see Neil and I couldn't be more perfect for each other. As I said before, he is definitely the Ying to my Yang! Ask anyone who has played Taboo with us. Ha!
Seeing our wedding video came to light all of the feelings of sincere appreciation and amazement at how beautiful our lives are today. Our first year of marriage has been so much fun and so much has happened in a year. When we found out we were expecting Sam, we had been married for one month. When we told everyone we were expecting, we received so many mixed reviews. We received excited congratulations and shocking gasps. I had people look at me like I was crazy and people looking and talking to me like I had done something wrong. One person even asked me, "What, did you forget to take your birth control pill?" How dare you. People may not understand and appreciate what Natural Family Planning means to us Catholics who practice, but we take great pride in knowing that we are open to life and all that God has in store for us. I even had another person, who I deeply regret not saying something to, tell me when I was ten weeks pregnant, "Oh my gosh, are you crazy?" I could, right then, have slapped her in the face. Sad, but true. I'm shocked at how people react to someone having a child so soon into marriage. I don't understand this fear of babies and this fear of having children. There is never a perfect time and you will never have enough money. If you would just let God in control of your life, you will find he knows us better than we know ourselves. No amount of planning could trump what God has in store for us. Having Sam was THE best thing that ever happened to Neil and I. When people say having kids is the greatest, they mean it. I'm not going to fear what God has in store for us.
I look at my life and see so much joy. I have so much love for my family that Neil and I are creating. Right now, I have my sick husband sound asleep in our bed and my beautiful innocent son sleeping in his crib. I see all that I have and all that we have yet to experience. I'm the happiest a person could be. Sometimes, when Neil comes home from a long day, I look at him as I'm holding Sam and get this rush of happiness, almost like a child running to their mommy or daddy after a long day away. In fact, I get that every time I see him or Sammy. My family is my world. I'm so thankful for our present and so excited about our future.
*Our wedding song was Livin' in a Moment by Ty Herndon. It is a beautiful song Neil and I have loved throughout the years, and this gave me the inspiration for the title. Hearing those words that day as we danced at our wedding has been nearly the anthem to our life. To be living in a moment you would die for...*
When we got home, I put Sammy down for a nap on his Boppy next to us. I was so excited to watch the video that we started it the second he started drifting into Dream Land. We were given three DVD's. One that was a 30 minute highlight video that was all of the highlights from the wedding, start to finish. That is the one I was excited about the most! The other two DVD's were the whole ceremony and whole reception.We will watch these tomorrow, or another day when Neil is feeling better. He's getting sick, poor guy.
I put in the hightlights DVD and from the second the video started, all of these emotions and excited feelings that I experienced the day of the wedding all started rushing back! The day of our wedding, I was so anxious. Not the type of anxious, as if I was scared I was making the wrong decision. Anxious and excited to be getting married and experiencing one of God's greatest Sacraments, on top of marrying the one guy I couldn't live this life without. The video was absolutely amazing and brought back so many emotions. I cried more than I thought I would watching it! Watching the smiles and the anticipation and the love was breathtaking. Seeing parents and grandparents and family and friends was amazing. Neil and I watched with huge smiles on our faces! That day was so full of love and happiness. I look at me in my beautiful dress and my slim figure (that I now appreciate, after having a baby!) and see how everything all came together. The hair, the makeup, the dress and all. Everything from the flowers to the cake to the food and dancing turned out better than anyone could ask for. I felt like the most beautiful person in the world that day, and I am lucky to have a husband that tells me the same.
There were so many memorable parts of the video, and one that totally caught me off guard. Well, two! One was absolutely hilarious and will forever be a laugh. My best friend, Courtney, and I were talking before the ceremony and in the clip, she was standing in her dress and was apparently pretty hot. She was, in fact, 6 months pregnant and in a bridesmaids dress. I totally understand! So, next thing you know, she bends down just a bit near the fan and lifts up her underarm to the fan. It was hilarious! I called her immediately after the video and told her of this memorable moment that is forever etched in our wedding memories and we had a great laugh. She always has a way of making me laugh! Love that girl. It was just such a funny situation when you have this wedding video with beautiful music and all of these pretty clips and then you reach such a candid moment. That's what memories are all about! I loved it.
Another part of the video that really caught me off guard was a moment that Neil actually noticed. We had to rewind it for me to see and I was really surprised that it was captured! Our videographer spanned across us and down our hands and actually caught my finger drawing the words "I love you!" in Neil's hand. Neil and I have done this thing, for years, where we write in each other's palms. Whether at the movies, church, or anytime we feel like it. Neil and I were standing in front of the alter, side by side. As he panned down our bodies and near our hands, you can see me writing the exclamation point after "I love you" in his hand. I don't even remember doing that at that moment. But, am so glad something so small was captured.
There were so many parts of that 30 minute video that brought me to tears; Neil talking in the camera before the ceremony about how excited he was to marry me, marrying Neil in front of all of our family and friends, seeing my parents and family and dancing with my dad, and seeing my wonderful grandparents dancing to one of their favorite songs. The whole time I was watching it I couldn't help but look at my life and see all that has happened. I'm sitting on the couch, snuggled up to the best husband a person could ask for, watching our wedding video with our 4 month old baby boy sleeping like an angel. When we met 5 years ago, who would have ever thought that all of this would be our life.
I look at my life and can't help but be overwhelmed with all of the blessings. Neil coming into my life has been more blessings than I could have asked for. To have a husband that shares so many of the same values that I do has made our marriage and relationship what it is today. We've come such a long way in so many aspects of our lives, and over the past 5 years, we've grown into two people who genuinely enjoy and love each other. Our friendship has stemmed from years of trust, love and laughs, and we live every day doing what we believe is right in God's eyes. For those of you that know us, it's clear to see Neil and I couldn't be more perfect for each other. As I said before, he is definitely the Ying to my Yang! Ask anyone who has played Taboo with us. Ha!
Seeing our wedding video came to light all of the feelings of sincere appreciation and amazement at how beautiful our lives are today. Our first year of marriage has been so much fun and so much has happened in a year. When we found out we were expecting Sam, we had been married for one month. When we told everyone we were expecting, we received so many mixed reviews. We received excited congratulations and shocking gasps. I had people look at me like I was crazy and people looking and talking to me like I had done something wrong. One person even asked me, "What, did you forget to take your birth control pill?" How dare you. People may not understand and appreciate what Natural Family Planning means to us Catholics who practice, but we take great pride in knowing that we are open to life and all that God has in store for us. I even had another person, who I deeply regret not saying something to, tell me when I was ten weeks pregnant, "Oh my gosh, are you crazy?" I could, right then, have slapped her in the face. Sad, but true. I'm shocked at how people react to someone having a child so soon into marriage. I don't understand this fear of babies and this fear of having children. There is never a perfect time and you will never have enough money. If you would just let God in control of your life, you will find he knows us better than we know ourselves. No amount of planning could trump what God has in store for us. Having Sam was THE best thing that ever happened to Neil and I. When people say having kids is the greatest, they mean it. I'm not going to fear what God has in store for us.
I look at my life and see so much joy. I have so much love for my family that Neil and I are creating. Right now, I have my sick husband sound asleep in our bed and my beautiful innocent son sleeping in his crib. I see all that I have and all that we have yet to experience. I'm the happiest a person could be. Sometimes, when Neil comes home from a long day, I look at him as I'm holding Sam and get this rush of happiness, almost like a child running to their mommy or daddy after a long day away. In fact, I get that every time I see him or Sammy. My family is my world. I'm so thankful for our present and so excited about our future.
*Our wedding song was Livin' in a Moment by Ty Herndon. It is a beautiful song Neil and I have loved throughout the years, and this gave me the inspiration for the title. Hearing those words that day as we danced at our wedding has been nearly the anthem to our life. To be living in a moment you would die for...*
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Bulge, Bulge, Go Away!
After posting my wedding pictures from a year ago, there is one thing that is still painfully baby weight I have yet to lose! I'm sure this is something all mommy's go through (and darn you who don't!). Just kidding. You are blessed! I fell into one...well, a few...major traps when pregnant. Chinese, ice cream, not working out, and Chinese. Oh, did I already mention that?
With being my first pregnancy, I fell into the routine of feeling tired, lazy, and not wanting to work out. With that, comes emotional eating. With that, comes Chinese! And, further yet, comes bulge. I gained, I believe, 65 pounds. Now, after nearly 4 months after having Sammy, I still have 25 pounds to lose before I am at my wedding day weight. Oh, I miss those days! I'm trying to eat right and work out and surprisingly haven't had much Chinese food since I was pregnant. Neil and I bought an eliptical for upstairs so that I can work out on my down time, without having to leave the house. Thank you, hubby!
I've always been athletic and played sports all of my life. So, sometimes it's hard to look in the mirror and see a much heavier me. But, at the same time, this has taught me a couple things:
1.) Accepting your new mommy body. Things are definitely not the same as they were before. But, surprisingly, I actually feel okay about how I am. I guess when you carry your baby for 9 months, you somewhat take pride in the fact that your body was their home. So, stretch marks and all, you earned your battle scars!
2.) Looks are not everything. Before, I would never leave the house unless my makeup was perfect and my hair was just right. I was slim and could throw on just about anything and it look half way decent (Yet at the time, "Do I look fat in this?" was a routine question. What was I thinking?!) Now, I slap on some Bare Minerals, give my lashes a quick swipe of mascara, throw on some lip gloss and out the door I go with my sunglasses as a headband. And, although I have a pooch and extra weight, I've accepted the way I am and realize now that everyone has things about themselves that are not perfect. There are always things they are wanting to improve or accept, especially us mommy's. I am no different.
3.) I am not a failure because I gained so much weight. This was one thing I really had to do some self-talk with, even now! I would see women who were 9 months pregnant who had a thin little frame and a basketball belly. I'd see women who would gain 25 to 30 pounds and had zero extra pounds anywhere on their body. I'd see women who had babies weeks ago and would be walking around in their size 2 jeans and flat tummy. They all looked phenomenal! And, here I was, a round ball who gained weight on every part of my body. And, even feel fat next to these skinny, pregnant women because I still have baby weight. I felt like a total failure. Then, I'd start to run into women just like me, who gained 50, 60, even 70 pounds. And guess what? They look great! They would laugh at how much they gained and never let that define them. They'd drop most of the weight and were right back to their normal selves. I had to come to realize that gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy did not make me a failure. The weight will come off.
Through this whole journey of becoming a mom comes a whole section of self-acceptance in dealing with my new body. I'm sure lots of you mommy's can relate to this. There are definitely things I'd change and do differently, looking back on it all. But, reality is, I can't. I gained weight. A lot of weight. And now, I have to lose it. Simple as that. All I can do is learn from my mistakes, as well as eating healthy again, working out regularly, and most important...staying away from Chinese food!
With being my first pregnancy, I fell into the routine of feeling tired, lazy, and not wanting to work out. With that, comes emotional eating. With that, comes Chinese! And, further yet, comes bulge. I gained, I believe, 65 pounds. Now, after nearly 4 months after having Sammy, I still have 25 pounds to lose before I am at my wedding day weight. Oh, I miss those days! I'm trying to eat right and work out and surprisingly haven't had much Chinese food since I was pregnant. Neil and I bought an eliptical for upstairs so that I can work out on my down time, without having to leave the house. Thank you, hubby!
I've always been athletic and played sports all of my life. So, sometimes it's hard to look in the mirror and see a much heavier me. But, at the same time, this has taught me a couple things:
1.) Accepting your new mommy body. Things are definitely not the same as they were before. But, surprisingly, I actually feel okay about how I am. I guess when you carry your baby for 9 months, you somewhat take pride in the fact that your body was their home. So, stretch marks and all, you earned your battle scars!
2.) Looks are not everything. Before, I would never leave the house unless my makeup was perfect and my hair was just right. I was slim and could throw on just about anything and it look half way decent (Yet at the time, "Do I look fat in this?" was a routine question. What was I thinking?!) Now, I slap on some Bare Minerals, give my lashes a quick swipe of mascara, throw on some lip gloss and out the door I go with my sunglasses as a headband. And, although I have a pooch and extra weight, I've accepted the way I am and realize now that everyone has things about themselves that are not perfect. There are always things they are wanting to improve or accept, especially us mommy's. I am no different.
3.) I am not a failure because I gained so much weight. This was one thing I really had to do some self-talk with, even now! I would see women who were 9 months pregnant who had a thin little frame and a basketball belly. I'd see women who would gain 25 to 30 pounds and had zero extra pounds anywhere on their body. I'd see women who had babies weeks ago and would be walking around in their size 2 jeans and flat tummy. They all looked phenomenal! And, here I was, a round ball who gained weight on every part of my body. And, even feel fat next to these skinny, pregnant women because I still have baby weight. I felt like a total failure. Then, I'd start to run into women just like me, who gained 50, 60, even 70 pounds. And guess what? They look great! They would laugh at how much they gained and never let that define them. They'd drop most of the weight and were right back to their normal selves. I had to come to realize that gaining a lot of weight during pregnancy did not make me a failure. The weight will come off.
Through this whole journey of becoming a mom comes a whole section of self-acceptance in dealing with my new body. I'm sure lots of you mommy's can relate to this. There are definitely things I'd change and do differently, looking back on it all. But, reality is, I can't. I gained weight. A lot of weight. And now, I have to lose it. Simple as that. All I can do is learn from my mistakes, as well as eating healthy again, working out regularly, and most important...staying away from Chinese food!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Where has the time gone?
I can't believe that nearly 4 months has already gone by since Sam was born. When everyone says to treasure these moments because they fly by, they weren't kidding. Just the other day, Neil and I were eating breakfast before church while Sam was on his back below his little mobile, jingly things above his head. Next thing you know, we looked over and Sammy was on his side. Then, he went a little further and rolled over for the first time! Talk about proud parents. Then, we put him back on his back, and he kept rolling over. It's funny how something so small is such an accomplishment for Sam and such a proud moment for us. It didn't seem that long ago at all that we were in the hospital awaiting his arrival. When Sam was born, our lives changed forever. And, definitely for the better.
May 2, 2011 - Samuel Wade Pruitt, 7 lb 13 oz, 21 and 3/4 inches
When I really think back on how much Sam has grown and how much he does now than the beginning, it's amazing. In the beginning, he spent so much time sleeping, eating, and of course, pooping! He didn't smile, laugh, or interact and couldn't hold up his head. Now, being almost 4 months, he can hold up his head, smile, laugh, grab your fingers or anything you give him and roll over. He used to wake up 2 to 3 times a night. And now, he sleeps through the night. (Thank you!!) That has to be one of the nicest things about him getting older. Not getting any sleep starts to make a person crazy!
I'm posting a few pictures of Sammy so that you can see our sweet little boy! We are doing this thing throughout his first year where we are taking a picture of him in the same chair with the same stuffed animal every month. This way we can see how much he has grown and complete our frame for him that has a place for every month until he turns 1. In those pictures, we can already see how much he has grown! He really is a tall boy, like his daddy. At his 2 month appointment for his shots he was already weighing in at 25 inches, which put him in the 96th percentile. His weight was in the 75th. I'm anxious to see how this compares to his 4 month appointment coming up (though I'm not looking forward to seeing him get those shots again)! Our predictions are he will be 6 foot 8, 240 pounds. We will see how that plays out! :)
4 Generations :)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First Wedding Anniversary
Our first wedding anniversary was celebrated just a couple weeks ago, and we had a great time celebrating our first year of marriage. This year has been an absolute blast! Whoever said your first year is the hardest was wronger than wrong. Neil and I live our lives any way but boring. We laugh a lot, goof a lot, and are grateful for all that we have in our lives. My husband is a very special guy. He loves me for all that I am and is a great father to our sweet little Sammy. Who would have thought that on our first wedding anniversary we would have to find a babysitter for our infant son for us to be able to go out and celebrate? Funny how life happens. We wouldn't have it any other way. Seeing my baby boy and seeing my husband, it makes me realize that God knows exactly what He is doing.
Neil's mother watched Sammy for the evening that we went out. We went to the Aquarium in Downtown Houston because I have been asking him for sometime to go. I love being at places like that, and so does Neil once you finally talk him to get out of the house! We had a great time. Seeing a 300 pound snake? EEK! There were beautiful white tigers and I could just imagine them licking their chops as they looked at us. It's a good thing the glass separating us was so thick! We had so much fun with each other and laughed a lot. It was nice being out with him. I love being a stay-at-home mom, but when you are inside all day every day, it feels so nice to get out, strap your heels on and head out for a night on the town with your hubby. There was a really neat little train ride that takes you into this drive in shark aquarium that is all around you and above you. It was so cool to see the sharks swimming all around. To top off the trip to the aquarium, we took a ride on the ferris wheel and were able to look over Downtown Houston, which is actually where we lived half way through our first year of marriage because of my husband's job. It was so neat to be so high above the buildings!
Next, Neil took me out to eat at Taste of Texas, which is a fabulous steak house! The building reminds me of a huge cabin, and when you are inside, the staff treats you like royalty. It is nice and cozy, even donning a fireplace near the entrance. Because there was a wait, we sat at one of the couple of bars in the place and I had my first margarita since before I was pregnant! It was very tasty. We were actually able to pick out our steaks as we were escorted to the back area. After you pick out your steak, they stick a silver medal, numbered tag in the steak so you know which is yours. I don't know why I thought that was just the cutest thing! As if the steak wasn't yummy enough, we were given a complimentary dessert simply because we were celebrating our anniversary. Talk about a nice touch! We had a calorie-loaded Snickers Pie, decorated with a sparkler. The waiter took our picture and gave us a card with our picture inside at the end of our meal to remember Taste of Texas by. It was a nice way to end the evening. But, our adventure wasn't over!
My husband grew up in the small town of East Bernard, which is where his mom was watching Sammy for the evening. We went to pick him up, and being the million and fifth time Neil had driven home, we yapped away and were off into the night to pick up our son. Along the way, Neil would comment here and there about, "Wow, they must have changed a few things around here" and "Hmm, this really does look different." At a four way stop we sat next to a convenient store...a convenient store we had never seen before. We came to realize we had no idea where we were. Is this really happening? We laughed it off, searched on my iPhone where we were, and luckily realized we were not too far out of the way of where we needed to be. How could a person who has driven this way all of their life be suddenly lost?! Ha! It was a funny and memorable way to end our anniversary night. We picked up Sammy and headed home.
As far as anniversary gifts, Neil had gotten me a funny card and had written such a sweet note inside. He has always been good about expressing himself and telling me how he feels. And, it meant so much to me. I also got him a card, but I wanted to get him a little something; something different and interesting. I contemplated what to give, then I thought about what I could give that signifies our wedding date. When I came across his gift, I knew it was just what I was looking for! It is a hand-carved wooden sign that has a "P" carved on the top. Underneath, the words "The Pruitt Family" are carved. And, under that, it says "Est. July 31, 2010". It is painted black with cream lettering and is distressed to give an aged appearance. Neil loved it! I hung it in our kitchen area and think it is such a neat addition to our house. If you are interested in something like this, I highly recommend the person that did the sign. He is found on Etsy and his company name is Signs of a Daydreamer. He did a fantastic job and I highly recommend!
One thing I really wanted for Neil and I was a book documenting our years of marriage. Some people always fill in their wedding book, but I never hear about anyone doing the same for all of the anniversaries and memories you accumulate throughout your years together. My parents have been married for 28 years and my mom has kept up with every anniversary they have celebrated. In a book, she has a picture and has written about each year. What a great idea! So, I could not find the book she used, but came across a great book called Wedding Anniversary Memories
and bought it off of Amazon. It is nice quality and an inexpensive price! When I received it, I was so excited to get started with it! Although my only complaint is it doesn't have a spot for every year, it still is such a neat keepsake. It gives you an area for a picture and a little area to write with every spread. I also like how the front cover of the book has an area to place your own photo, so this way you can customize your wedding anniversary book cover! It begins with your wedding day, then your first through fifteenth wedding anniversary, year by year. Then, it jumps to your twentieth, then twenty fifth, thirtieth, fortieth, and fiftieth. Not only will it be neat for us, but it will be fun for our kids to see this one day too. I want to go through my parents to see how they've changed throughout the years and see what all was going on in their lives. I can't wait to fill our book as the years go by! Thanks for a great idea, Mom.
Neil's mother watched Sammy for the evening that we went out. We went to the Aquarium in Downtown Houston because I have been asking him for sometime to go. I love being at places like that, and so does Neil once you finally talk him to get out of the house! We had a great time. Seeing a 300 pound snake? EEK! There were beautiful white tigers and I could just imagine them licking their chops as they looked at us. It's a good thing the glass separating us was so thick! We had so much fun with each other and laughed a lot. It was nice being out with him. I love being a stay-at-home mom, but when you are inside all day every day, it feels so nice to get out, strap your heels on and head out for a night on the town with your hubby. There was a really neat little train ride that takes you into this drive in shark aquarium that is all around you and above you. It was so cool to see the sharks swimming all around. To top off the trip to the aquarium, we took a ride on the ferris wheel and were able to look over Downtown Houston, which is actually where we lived half way through our first year of marriage because of my husband's job. It was so neat to be so high above the buildings!
Next, Neil took me out to eat at Taste of Texas, which is a fabulous steak house! The building reminds me of a huge cabin, and when you are inside, the staff treats you like royalty. It is nice and cozy, even donning a fireplace near the entrance. Because there was a wait, we sat at one of the couple of bars in the place and I had my first margarita since before I was pregnant! It was very tasty. We were actually able to pick out our steaks as we were escorted to the back area. After you pick out your steak, they stick a silver medal, numbered tag in the steak so you know which is yours. I don't know why I thought that was just the cutest thing! As if the steak wasn't yummy enough, we were given a complimentary dessert simply because we were celebrating our anniversary. Talk about a nice touch! We had a calorie-loaded Snickers Pie, decorated with a sparkler. The waiter took our picture and gave us a card with our picture inside at the end of our meal to remember Taste of Texas by. It was a nice way to end the evening. But, our adventure wasn't over!
My husband grew up in the small town of East Bernard, which is where his mom was watching Sammy for the evening. We went to pick him up, and being the million and fifth time Neil had driven home, we yapped away and were off into the night to pick up our son. Along the way, Neil would comment here and there about, "Wow, they must have changed a few things around here" and "Hmm, this really does look different." At a four way stop we sat next to a convenient store...a convenient store we had never seen before. We came to realize we had no idea where we were. Is this really happening? We laughed it off, searched on my iPhone where we were, and luckily realized we were not too far out of the way of where we needed to be. How could a person who has driven this way all of their life be suddenly lost?! Ha! It was a funny and memorable way to end our anniversary night. We picked up Sammy and headed home.
As far as anniversary gifts, Neil had gotten me a funny card and had written such a sweet note inside. He has always been good about expressing himself and telling me how he feels. And, it meant so much to me. I also got him a card, but I wanted to get him a little something; something different and interesting. I contemplated what to give, then I thought about what I could give that signifies our wedding date. When I came across his gift, I knew it was just what I was looking for! It is a hand-carved wooden sign that has a "P" carved on the top. Underneath, the words "The Pruitt Family" are carved. And, under that, it says "Est. July 31, 2010". It is painted black with cream lettering and is distressed to give an aged appearance. Neil loved it! I hung it in our kitchen area and think it is such a neat addition to our house. If you are interested in something like this, I highly recommend the person that did the sign. He is found on Etsy and his company name is Signs of a Daydreamer. He did a fantastic job and I highly recommend!
One thing I really wanted for Neil and I was a book documenting our years of marriage. Some people always fill in their wedding book, but I never hear about anyone doing the same for all of the anniversaries and memories you accumulate throughout your years together. My parents have been married for 28 years and my mom has kept up with every anniversary they have celebrated. In a book, she has a picture and has written about each year. What a great idea! So, I could not find the book she used, but came across a great book called Wedding Anniversary Memories
Love this wood carved sign I ordered for Neil for our anniversary.
Eating the top layer of our wedding cake that has been in the freezer for a year. (Yuck!) But, it's tradition.
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Neil Pruitt
I would say that this blog officially began today, almost 4 months into my life as a stay-at-home mom. But, the real story began the day I said "I do" to my husband Neil, the most amazing guy that I have ever met. If there was ever a Ying to my Yang, it was him! We have known each other since 2005 where we met on a church retreat to Colorado. We stayed in contact for 2 years and then began dating for the 3 years before we got married. We were married here in Texas on a very hot July 31st, just last summer. We had a beautiful Catholic ceremony and super fun reception with all of our closest family and friends.
Our honeymoon was beyond gorgeous! We spent 6 days and 5 nights in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, and to say it was paradise is a complete understatement. The water, white sand, and wind-rustled palm trees were gorgeous, and our resort was huge, featuring a casino (which we frequented 3 times more than we had anticipated.) We laid on the beach, soaked up the rays, and enjoyed all that paradise island had to offer.
A month later, we found out we were pregnant! We were so excited. Looks like we took more back from the Dominican than the photos, memories, and cigars. Neil would later have that cigar when Samuel was born. Talk about coming full circle! We were so excited to have our first baby and couldn't wait to meet the little Pruitt. We did not find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Neil talked me into not finding out, though it didn't take much persuasion, and I'm so glad I listened. Not finding out until the day he was born was absolutely amazing.
The whole nine months I was pregnant, we were convinced we were having a girl. When it was time to have our baby, my labor went so fast and just like that, our first baby was born! We were so enthralled in the experience of the nurses and doctor and pushing and delivering that when he was born, we forgot to even look at if it was a boy or girl! Neil's eyes focused in and couldn't believe his eyes. Through his tearful voice, he shockingly said, "Oh my gosh, it's a boy!" We cried. We were so excited, and I was so excited Neil got the boy he dreamed of having. We were proud parents of Samuel Wade Pruitt, 7 lb. 13 ounces and 21 and 3/4 inches long...already taking after his 6 foot 6 daddy! As if we didn't have a wonderful life before, life had now officially gotten so much more amazing.
Our honeymoon was beyond gorgeous! We spent 6 days and 5 nights in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, and to say it was paradise is a complete understatement. The water, white sand, and wind-rustled palm trees were gorgeous, and our resort was huge, featuring a casino (which we frequented 3 times more than we had anticipated.) We laid on the beach, soaked up the rays, and enjoyed all that paradise island had to offer.
A month later, we found out we were pregnant! We were so excited. Looks like we took more back from the Dominican than the photos, memories, and cigars. Neil would later have that cigar when Samuel was born. Talk about coming full circle! We were so excited to have our first baby and couldn't wait to meet the little Pruitt. We did not find out if we were having a boy or a girl. Neil talked me into not finding out, though it didn't take much persuasion, and I'm so glad I listened. Not finding out until the day he was born was absolutely amazing.
The whole nine months I was pregnant, we were convinced we were having a girl. When it was time to have our baby, my labor went so fast and just like that, our first baby was born! We were so enthralled in the experience of the nurses and doctor and pushing and delivering that when he was born, we forgot to even look at if it was a boy or girl! Neil's eyes focused in and couldn't believe his eyes. Through his tearful voice, he shockingly said, "Oh my gosh, it's a boy!" We cried. We were so excited, and I was so excited Neil got the boy he dreamed of having. We were proud parents of Samuel Wade Pruitt, 7 lb. 13 ounces and 21 and 3/4 inches long...already taking after his 6 foot 6 daddy! As if we didn't have a wonderful life before, life had now officially gotten so much more amazing.
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